
Email:[email protected]
2011.09-2016.07 昆明理工大学,国土资源工程学院,矿物加工,工学博士
2007.09-2011.07 江西理工大学,资源与环境工程学院,矿物加工,工学学士
2020.12-至今 武汉工程大学,DB试玩
2017.06-2020.09 湖北三宁化工股份有限责任公司,化学工程,博士后
2016.07-2020.12 武汉工程大学,DB试玩
l 科研项目:
[1]湖北省教育厅科学研究项目,No.B2017055, 吸附二硫代硫酸根合金(I)络离子的新型活性炭制备,主持;
[2]国家自然科学基金面上项目,No. 51974204,隐晶质鲕状赤铁矿磁化焙烧过程中铁矿物的还原行为,参与;
[3]国家自然科学基金委员会,No. 51974205,纳米气泡降低还原氧化石墨烯缺陷度的基础研究,参与;
[4]铜陵有色金属集团项目,No. H00295,低品位硫酸渣提质及硫精矿焙烧渣铜钴回收技术开发,主持。
l 代表性论文:
[1]Hanquan Zhang, Guanhua Chen, Xiang Cai, Jintao Fu, Mingxia Liu, Pengfei Zhang, HongYu*.The leaching behavior of copper and iron recovery from reduction roastingpyrite cinder [J]. Journal of hazardous materials, 2021, 420(126561).
[2]HanquanZhang, Feng Zhou, Mingxia Liu, Yanfeng Jin, Linbo Xiao, Hong Yu*.Employing sulfur-phosphorus mixed acid as a depressant: a novel investigationin flotation of collophanite [J]. Energy Sources Part a-Recovery Utilizationand Environmental Effects, 2020, doi: 10.1080/15567036.2020.1849458.
[3]ZHANGH, ZHANG Z, LUO L, YU Hong*; Behavior of Fe and P during reductionmagnetic roasting-separation of phosphorus-rich oolitic hematite, EnergySources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects , 2019,41(1): 47-64.
[4]YUHong, ZI F, HU X, et al. Adsorption of gold from thiosulfate solutions withchemically modified activated carbon [J]. Adsorption Science & Technology,2018, 36(1): 408-428.
[5]YU Hong, ZI F T, HU X Z, et al. The copper-ethanediamine-thiosulphateleaching of gold ore containing limonite with cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromideas the synergist [J]. Hydrometallurgy, 2014, 150: 178-183.
[6] YU Hong, ZI F T, HU X Z, et al. Adsorption of thegold-thiosulfate complex ion onto cupric ferrocyanide (CuFC)-impregnatedactivated carbon in aqueous solutions [J]. Hydrometallurgy, 2015, 154: 111-117.
[7] 余洪, 蔡祥, 陈聪等. 硫代硫酸盐浸金体系中活性炭表面Zeta电位研究[J]. 矿冶工程, 2018, 38(6): 102-106.
l 国家发明专利:
l 著作:
何东升,邵延海,余洪,李洪强. 化学选矿[M].化学工业出版社, 2019.10(编写10万字)