[1] 国家自然科学基金委员会,国家重大科研仪器研制项目子课题六(41727801-6),2018/01-2022/12,主持
[2] 湖北省教育厅,科学技术研究计划青年人才项目(Q20181506),2018/01-2020/12,主持
[3] 湖北省科技厅,湖北省自然科学基金(2020CFB220),2020/03-2022/03,主持
[4] 湖北省应急管理厅,湖北省应急管理项目(HBYF-2021-C1078),2021/12-2022/12,主持
l 代表性论文:
[1]. JiaJinlong, Sang Shuxun, Cao Liwen, Liu Shiqi, et al. Characteristics ofCO2/supercritical CO2 adsorption-induced swelling to anthracite: Anexperimental study. Fuel, 2018, 216:639-647.(SCI论文)
[2]. JiaJinlong, Cao Liwen, Sang Shuxun, Yi Tongsheng. A case study on the criticalstimulation techniques practiced in the superposed reservoir of coal-bearingseries with multiple thin coal seams in Guizhou, China. Journal of PetroleumScience and Engineering, 2016, 146:489~504. (SCI论文)
[3]. JiaJinlong, Cao Liwen. An experimental study on the permeability changes ofanthracite reservoirs in different depths of Qinshui Basin induced bysupercritical CO2 injection. Energy Science & Engineering. 2019, 00:1–16. (SCI论文)
[4]. JiaJinlong, Sang Shuxun, Cao Liwen, Han Sijie, Liu Shiqi, Zhou Xiaozhi.Characteristics of the superposed gas reservoirs of coal-bearing series and itspool-forming dynamic mechanism in Jiyang depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China.Himalayan Geology, 2017, 38 (2): 141-155. (SCI论文)
[5]. JiaJinlong, Cao Liwen, Zhang Dianji, Chai Xiuwei, Liu Shiqi, Ma Li, Han Liu. Studyon the fracture characteristics of thick-hard limestone roof and itscontrolling technique. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2017, 76:605-615. (SCI论文)
[6]. JiaJinlong, Cao Liwen. Experimental simulation on N2 injection for enhancingsupercritical CO2 injectivity in anthracite reservoir. Himalayan Geology,2020,41(2): 241-248. (SCI论文)
[7]. JiaJinlong, Cao Liwen, Sang Shuxun, Li Zicheng. An experimental study on thedamage characteristics of mechanical properties of anthracite induced bysupercritical CO2 injection. Environmental Earth Sciences, 79, 12 (2020), DOI:10.1007/s12665-019-8758-2. (SCI论文)
[8]. JiaJinlong, Cao Liwen, et al. 3D comprehensive advance exploration and preventiontechnology of mine water-inrush. Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels, 2014,62(3): 69-77. (EI论文)
[9]. JiaJinlong, Cao Liwen, et al. Technology of large section coal roadway supportingbased on limit equilibrium method. Electronic Journal of GeotechnicalEngineering,2014, 19 B: 413-424. (EI论文)
[10]. JiaJinlong, Zhang Dongsheng, Cao Liwen, et al. Main roof fracture mechanism ofmining-along-gully in thick loess layer area. Journal of Mines, Metals andFuels,2013, 61(11): 324-331. (EI论文)
l 国家发明专利:
[1]. 贾金龙(排名1). 一种可回收高预应力恒阻锚杆锁紧装置,申请号:201810835131.X,发明专利,已授权。
[2]. 贾金龙(排名1). 一种二氧化碳和水混合流体压裂石灰岩顶板的方法,申请号:201811414272.0,发明专利,已授权。
[3]. 贾金龙(排名1).一种二氧化碳和水混合流体压裂石灰岩顶板的装置,申请号:201811414258.0,发明专利,已授权。
[4]. 贾金龙(排名3). 一种超临界CO2注入与煤层气强化驱替模拟试验方法,申请号:201510130087.9,已授权。
[5]. 贾金龙(排名3). 一种超临界CO2注入与煤层气强化驱替模拟试验装置,申请号:201510131256.0,已授权。
[6]. 贾金龙(排名3). 一种煤岩吸附的自由膨胀体积的测量装置及方法,申请号:201510131496.0,已授权。
[7]. 贾金龙(排名5). 一种CO2注入与煤层气强化开采地球化学效应模拟试验方法,申请号:20151036895.9,已授权。
[8]. 贾金龙(排名5). 一种CO2注入与煤层气强化开采地球化学效应模拟试验装置,申请号:201510036505.8,已授权。
[9]. 贾金龙(排名3). 一种竞争吸附过程中煤岩样品自由体积膨胀量的试验方法,申请号:201510130324.1,已授权。
[10]. 贾金龙(排名9). 一种煤层气井排采产出煤粉运移模拟试验装置,申请号:201510501351.5,已授权。