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2015.09-2019.03 墨西哥米却肯州圣尼古拉斯伊达尔戈大学,材料与冶金学院,材料与科学工程,工学博士
2012.09-2015.07 武汉工程大学,资源与土木工程学院,矿业工程,工学硕士
2008.09-2012.07 武汉工程大学,环境与城市建设学院,矿物加工工程,工学学士
2019.07-至今 武汉工程大学,DB试玩
l 科研项目:
[2]国家自然科学基金,No. 51374156,循环分解利用磷石膏的基础理论与应用研究,主要参与人;
[3]墨西哥科技部项目,No. 270186,Characterizationof stability of aqueous clay dispersions and siloxane modification at clay mineralsfaces,主要参与人。
l 代表性论文:
[1]Li, Z., Rao, F.*, Song, S.*, 2017.Comparison of adsorption of phenol O-O and N-O chelating collectors at themalachite/water interface in flotation. Minerals, 7(2), 20.
[2]Li, Z., Rao, F.*, García, R.E., Li, H., Song, S., 2018.Partial replacement of sodium oleate using alcohols with different chainstructures in malachite flotation. Minerals Engineering, 127, 185-190.
[3]Li, Z., Rao, F.*, Song, S.*, Li, Y., Liu,W., 2018. Slime coating of kaolinite on chalcopyrite in saline water flotation.International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials, 25(5), 481-488.
[4]Li, Z., Rao, F., Lou, X.*, Song, S., López-Valdivieso,A., 2019. Floc-Flotation of malachite fines with an octyl hydroxamate and kerosenemixture. Minerals, 9(5), 301.
[5]Li, Z., Rao, F.*, Song, S., Uribe-Salas, A.,López-Valdivieso, A., 2019. Effects of the common ions on the adsorption andflotation of malachite with salicylaldoxime. Colloid. Surface. A. 577(20),421-428.
[6]Li, Z., Rao, F.*, Corona-Arroyo, M., Bedolla-Jacuinde,Arnoldo., Song, S.*, 2019. Comminution effect on surface roughnessand flotation behavior of malachite particles. Minerals Engineering, 132, 1-7.
[7]Li, Z., Rao, F.*, Song, S.*, Uribe-Salas,A., López-Valdivieso, A., 2019. Reexamining the adsorption of octyl hydroxamateon malachite surface: forms of molecules and anions. Mineral processing andextractive metallurgy review. 1-9.
[8]Li, Z., Rao, F.*, Guo, B., Song, S., López-Valdivieso,A., 2019. Effects of calcium ions on malachite flotation with octyl hydroxamate.Minerals Engineering. 141.
[9]李智力,张泽强,池汝安. 几种磷矿反浮选药剂的浮选性能对比.有色金属(选矿部分),2013(2):68-70.
l 国家发明专利: