中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所 岩土力学与工程国家重点实验室
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International Journal of Geomechanics期刊(SCI收录)Guesteditor、ApplyScience期刊(SCI收录)Guesteditor、Advances in Civil Engineering期刊(SCI收录)AcademicEditor、Sustainability期刊(SCI收录)编委、《金属矿山》首届青年专家学术委员会委员;RockMechanics and Rock Engineering等20余个国际期刊审稿人;国家自然科学基金评委
2010.09-2015.06 中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所,岩土工程,硕博连读,博士
2006.09-2010.06 中国地质大学(武汉),工程学院,地质工程实验班,学士
2019.01-至今 中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所副研究员
2015.07-2018.12 中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所 助理研究员
[1]. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,No. 41972295,深埋隧道间歇型岩爆孕育过程的机理与预警研究,主持
[2]. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,No. 51709256,基于微震信息的深埋TBM掘进隧洞岩爆定量预警方法,主持
[3]. 中国科协青年人才托举工程项目,No. 2015QNRC001,主持
[4]. 广西防灾减灾与工程安全重点实验室项目,No. 2019ZDK034,主持
[5]. 国家重点基础研究发展规划项目:深部重大工程灾害的孕育演化机制与动态调控理论,技术骨干
[6]. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:深埋隧道断裂型岩爆机理、模拟、监测与预警,技术骨干
[7]. 国家重点研发计划课题:大型地质体控制型矿井群冲击地压协同防控方法与技术,技术骨干
[8]. 国家科技支撑计划课题:金属矿床高效地下开采关键技术研究及示范,技术骨干
[9]. 中国科学院科技服务网络计划课题:中巴经济走廊自然灾害风险评估与减灾对策,技术骨干
[1]. Guang-Liang Feng, Xia-Ting Feng, Ya-XunXiao, et al. Characteristic microseismicity during the development process ofintermittent rockburst in a deep railway tunnel[J]. International Journal ofRock Mechanics and Mining Sciences.2019, 124, 104135. (SCI, Top期刊, JCR一区)
[2]. Guang-LiangFeng, Xia-Ting Feng, Bing-Rui Chen, et al. Microseismic sequencesassociated with rockbursts in the tunnels of the Jinping II hydropowerstation[J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics andMining Sciences. 2015, 80: 89-100. (SCI, Top期刊,JCR一区)
[3]. Guang-LiangFeng, Xia-Ting Feng, Bing-Rui Chen, et al. Characteristics of microseismicity during breakthrough in deeptunnels: case study of Jinping-II hydropower station in China[J].International Journal of Geomechanics. 2020, 20(2): 04019163 (SCI, JCR一区,ESI高被引论文)
[4]. Guang-LiangFeng, Xia-Ting Feng, Bing-Rui Chen, et al. Effects of structuralplanes on the microseismicity associated with rockburst development processesin deep tunnels of the Jinping-II Hydropower Station, China[J]. Tunnelling andUnderground Space Technology. 2019, 84:273-280. (SCI, Top期刊,JCR一区)
[5]. Guang-LiangFeng, Xia-Ting Feng, Bing-Rui Chen, et al. Performance andfeasibility analysis of two microseismic location methods used in tunnelengineering[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2017, 63: 183-193.(SCI, Top期刊, JCR一区)
[6]. Guang-LiangFeng, Xia-Ting Feng, Bing-Rui Chen, et al. Sectional velocitymodel for microseismic source location in tunnels[J]. Tunnelling andUnderground Space Technology. 2015, 45: 73-83. (SCI, Top期刊,JCR一区)
[7]. Guang-LiangFeng, Xia-Ting Feng, Bing-Rui Chen, et al. Amicroseismic method for dynamic warning of rockburst development processes intunnels[J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 2015, 48(5): 2061-2076. (SCI,JCR一区)
[8]. Guang-LiangFeng, Xia-Ting Feng, Bing-Rui Chen, et al. A highly accuratemethod of locating microseismic events associated with rockburst developmentprocesses in tunnels[J]. IEEE Access, 2017, 5:27722-27731. (SCI, JCR一区)
[9]. Guang-Liang Feng,Guo-Qing Xia, Bing-Rui Chen, et al. A method for rockburst prediction in thedeep tunnels of hydropower stations based on the monitored microseismicity andan optimized probabilistic neural network model[J]. Sustainability.2019, 11 (11): 3212. (SCI, JCR一区)
[10].Guang-LiangFeng, Man-Qing Lin, Yang Yu, et al. A microseismicity-based method of rockburst intensity warningin deep tunnels in the initial period of microseismic monitoring[J].Energies. 2020, 13, 2698.(SCI,JCR一区)
[11].Guang-LiangFeng, Xia-Ting Feng, Bing-Rui Chen, et al. Excavation-inducedmicroseismicity and rockburst occurrence in the deep parallel TBM tunnels ofthe Neelum–Jhelum hydropower project in Pakistan[J]. Journal of Central SouthUniversity. (Accept, SCI)
[12].Zhi-HuaXu, Guang-Liang Feng, Qian-Cheng Sun, et al. A modified model forpredicting the strength of drying-Wetting cycled sandstone based on the P-wavevelocity[J]. Sustainability.2020, 12: 5655. (SCI,JCR一区,corresponding author)
[13].Guang-LiangFeng, Xia-Ting Feng, Zhou-Neng Zhao, et al. Analysis of acollapse in deep tunnel based on microseismic monitoring[J]. Applied Mechanicsand Materials. 2012. 256-259: 1181-1186. (EI)
[14].Guang-LiangFeng, Xia-Ting Feng, Bing-Rui Chen, et al. A comprehensiveevaluation model for rockburst risk prediction based on analytic hierarchyprocess and probabilistic optimization[C]. Rock Mechanics: Achievements andAmbitions- Proceedings of the 2nd IRSM International Young Scholars' Symposiumon Rock Mechanics. 2012. 869-874. (EI)
[15].Guang-LiangFeng, Xia-Ting Feng, Zhou-Neng Zhao, et al. Rockburst riskanalysis based on microseismic monitoring in deep-buried tunnel with TBMexcavation[C]. In: SINOROCK, The 3rd ISRM Symposium on Rock Mechanics. June18-June 20, Shanghai, China. 2013. pp 793-798. (EI)
[16].丰光亮, 冯夏庭, 陈炳瑞, 等. 白鹤滩柱状节理玄武岩隧洞开挖微震活动时空演化特征[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报. 2015, 34(10): 1967-1975. (EI)
[1]. 丰光亮,冯夏庭,姚志宾,等.一种微震传感器可回收式安装装置及安装方法.CN201410439737.2. (授权)
[2]. 丰光亮,冯夏庭,陈炳瑞,等.一种孔内及孔外双重固定可回收式微震传感器安装方法.CN 201711406469.5. (授权)
[3]. 丰光亮,冯夏庭,陈炳瑞,等.一种隧洞岩爆孕育过程的微震源高精度定位方法及系统.CN 201810481265.6.(授权)
[4]. 丰光亮,冯夏庭,张伟,等.一种发生在隧洞TBM刀盘内岩爆的等级确定方法.201910363776.2. (授权)
[5]. 丰光亮,冯夏庭,张伟,等.一种软硬互层地质条件下长距离TBM隧洞岩爆微震监测方法.CN 201811158435.3. (受理)
[6]. 丰光亮,冯夏庭,张伟,等.隧道间歇型岩爆孕育演化过程的监测方法.CN201910379256.0. (受理)
[7]. 丰光亮,冯夏庭,胡磊,等.预判岩爆类型的方法.CN 201910635347.6. (受理)
[8]. 丰光亮,冯夏庭,牛文静,等.一种用于岩爆等级预警的微震参数阈值的确定方法. CN201910768462.0.(受理)
[9]. 冯夏庭,丰光亮,肖亚勋,等.一种高应力硬岩TBM施工隧道微震波速实时获取方法.CN201310744321.8. (授权)
[10].冯夏庭, 丰光亮,肖亚勋,等.一种隧道微震监测传感器布置及与数据采集仪连接方法.CN201410014854.5. (授权)
[11].冯夏庭, 丰光亮,肖亚勋,等.深埋硬岩隧道贯通前相向改单向掘进时机与方式确定方法.CN201410014855.X. (授权)
[12].冯夏庭, 丰光亮,肖亚勋,等.一种分层开挖深埋硬岩隧道微震监测传感器布置方法.CN201410015118.1. (授权)
[13].冯夏庭, 丰光亮,赵周能,等.一种大直径调压井开挖微震实时监测传感器布置方法.CN201410014078.9. (授权)
[1]. 丰光亮,冯夏庭,陈炳瑞,等.基于微震信息的隧洞岩爆实时定量预警系统MS-RB-Warning.登记号:2017SR483017.
[2]. 丰光亮,冯夏庭,陈炳瑞.基于分区速度模型的隧洞微震源全局定位系统MSL-SVM-GOA.登记号:2018SR740393.
[3]. 丰光亮,陈炳瑞,陆菜平,等.基于被动微震源的隧道岩体速度场实时智能反演分析软件IRV-T-PMS.登记号:2020SR0298850.
[4]. 丰光亮,陈炳瑞,陆菜平.硬岩冲击型灾害分区分级超前综合定量预警系统AQWS-ZIC-HRD.登记号:2020SR0509288.
[1]. 国际岩石力学学会建议方法:ISRMSuggested Method for In Situ Microseismic Monitoring of the Fracturing Processin Rock Masses (已发布,排名第5)
[2]. 国家能源行业标准:水电工程岩爆风险评估技术规范(已发布,排名第3)
[3]. 国家电力行业标准:水电工程岩体稳定性微震监测技术规范(已审核待发布,排名第4)
[1]. 中国岩石力学与工程学会科技进步一等奖(排名第5)
[2]. 中国能源建设集团有限公司科技进步二等奖(排名第3)
[3]. Tunnellingand Underground Space Technology期刊OutstandingContribution in Reviewing
[4]. 中国岩石力学与工程学会优秀博士学位论文奖
[5]. 中科院院长奖
[6]. 武汉教育基地昌华奖特别奖
[7]. 中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所“最佳文明个人、先进个人”