
2020.01至2021.01Purdue University Northwest (USA),Mechanical Engineering,联合培养博士
l 科研项目经历
l 代表性论文
[1] Lu M M,Zhang Y B, Su Z J, et al. The comprehensive investigation on removal mechanismof Cr(VI) by humic acid-Fe(II) system structured on V, Ti-bearing magnetitesurface, Advanced Powder Technology, 32(1), 2021, 37-51. (SCI检索;IF:4.833)
[2] Lu M M,Zhang Y B, Zhou Y L, et al. Adsorption-desorption characteristics andmechanisms of Pb(II) on natural vanadium, titanium bearing magnetite-humic acidmagnetic adsorbent, Powder Technology, 344, 2019, 947-958. (SCI检索;IF:5.134)
[3] Lu M M,Zhang Y B, Su Z J, et al. Mechanisms and model study of Zn(II) and Cd(II)competitive adsorption on V, Ti-bearing magnetite-humic acid adsorbent,Desalination and Water Treatment, 224, 2021, 308-321. (SCI检索;IF:0.854)
[4] Zhang H Q, HuC J, Gao W J, Lu M M*. Recovery of iron from copper slag usingcoal-based direct reduction: reduction characteristics and kinetics. Minerals,10(11), 2020, 973. (SCI检索;IF:2.644)
[5] Zhang H Q, LiuC X, Lu M M*, et al. Kinetic model researches on drying characteristicsof artificial magnetite green pellet. Journal of Central South University, 28,2021, 89-99. (SCI检索;IF: 1.716)
[6] Zhang Y B, LuM M, Su Z J, et al. Interfacial reaction between humic acid andCa-Montmorillonite: application in the preparation of a novel pellet binder.Applied Clay Science, 180, 2019, 105177. (SCI检索;IF:5.467)
[7] Zhang Y B, LuM M,Zhou Y L, et al. Interfacial interaction between humic acid andvanadium, titanium-bearing magnetite (VTM) particles. Mineral Processing andExtractive Metallurgy Review, 41(2), 2020, 75-84. (SCI检索;IF:2.785)
[8] Zhang H Q, LuM M, Fu J T. Oxidation and roasting characteristics of artificial magnetitepellets. Journal of Central South University, 23, 2016, 2999-3005. (SCI检索;IF:1.716)
[9] Lu M M,Zhang Y B, Su Z J, et al. Rapid Removal of Pb(II) from Acid Wastewater usingVanadium Titanium-bearing Magnetite Particles Coated by Humic Acid. TMS 2018,Deriving Value from Challenging Waste Streams: Recycling and SustainabilityJoint Session. (EI检索)
[10] Lu M M,Zhang Y B, Su Z J, et al. The NMR and spectral study on the structure
of molecularsize-fractionated lignite humic acid. Resources, Environment and Sustainability,2, 2020, 100004.
l 专利
[1] 一种磁性含钛矿物/腐植酸复合吸附材料及其制备方法和应用,申请号:202110076735.2
[2] 一种基于磁性含钛矿物/腐植酸复合吸附材料的废水中重金属梯级吸附和回收方法,申请号:202110076737.1
l 获奖情况
[1] 2014年度研究生国家奖学金